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Prayer Room


This is a prayer section of our website. Below are listed names of people we especially pray for in these days. You may request a placing of a name by filling out the contact form below.

Thank you and God bless you!


+ Rosario Mercedes Garcia (LGA)

+ Rosario Lauria (PAPD JFK)

+ Patricia Brennan (Swissport)

+ Jeffrey Hamelin (JFK IAT)

+ Jaiwantie Deokarran (KLM)

   Dr. James M. Doyle

+ Lt. Bartholomew Iannucci (PAPD JFK)

+ Bruce Abbate

+ Rudy Auslander


JFK, LGA, Aviation and Homeland Security Communities

Living and deceased members of the Catholic Guild

JFK International Airport

Terminal 4, Suite 461-037

Jamaica, New York 11430

© 2024 Our Lady of the Skies 

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